PRO-IC INTERNATIONAL LTD.,a leading independent electronic components distributor, stocks an extensive inventory of IC, MCU, Flash memory, Transistor, MOSFET, Diode, Connector, Inductor, Relay, Switch, Capacitor, and much more. Our wide selection of active and passive devices range through leading edge technology to hard-to-find,obsolete and allocated products. 

    Since started this business in 1999 at local and established PRO-IC in 2011 to expand business to worldwide, with over 20 years of fast growing, Pro-IC now is able to supply all kinds of electronic components to OEM/EMS, and other high tech firms worldwide. Our professional and experienced staff can help you to find the parts you are looking for and provide delivery when you need it.

    Pro-IC is a "Customer-Based Company". No customer too small, no customer too large. Whatever you need, we have the channels, the materials, the services, and the desire, to assist you in your pursuit of cost saving and urgent spot buy.